
MeetRITE was created for the University of Maryland CMSC435 Software Engineering course during the Fall 2017 semester.

System Administrator System Requirements

  1. At least Node version 8.0.0
  2. At least Node package manager version 5.0.0
  3. Go version 1.7.4 Linux/amd64
  4. Echo Labstack middleware(dependency)
  5. Bcrypt password hashing (dependency)
  6. MySQL version 10.1.26-MariaDB-0+deb9u1

User System Requirements

  1. Users operating on a laptop cannot have JavaScript blocked
  2. An up to date browser on an Internet enabled device as stated below.
  3. Devices that are unable to run such browsers such as flip phones will not be able to run MeetRITE
  4. Android 4.2+ browsers such as Chrome
  5. iOS 7.1+ browsers such as Safari
  6. Desktop: Internet Explorer 9+, Edge 12+, Firefox 45+, Chrome 54+, or Safari 8+