The overarching objective in this project is deep insight on what cyber-supported practices in structured discussion will bring about the best outcomes from a group, especially those that are charged with making potentially contentious decisions about software design, scholarly works or technical objectives of an organization. We are intent on offering the community the apparatus by which structured interaction can be supported; a suite of specific interaction templates that are tailored to one or another type of collaboration or discussion activity; and the collected experience and metrics of session use such as the community has offered during the course of this project. Our hypothesis is that “rules matter" in structured decisions, which is to say that some conventions for interaction more so than others will demonstrably lead to better outcomes over time. Those rules can be captured, and their efficacy measured; a system supporting exchanges can itself stimulate interactions between users in order to bring about superior outcomes. We approach this problem experimentally by constructing apparatus that is highly configurable in support of these target problem domains, and by including measurement features in the environment so as to enable capture of properties about the interaction for study. |
Enhanced IP (EnIP) offers a solution to IPv4 address depletion. Enhanced IP does not replace IPv4 but builds on top of it. Instead of replacing the network, as is the case with IPv6, Enhanced IP builds an overlay network on top of IPv4. Enhanced IP also has a viable transition plan. SEAM is happy to serve as the new internet home for the Enhanced IP Project |
With funding from Office of Naval Research we are working on a project to determine whether a system's security may be enhanced by its dynamic reconfiguration at moments when intrusion attempts are detected. The idea itself is quite simple: since an intruder must commonly know something about a target system in order to access its software in some unanticipated way, it seems likely that the intruder could be foiled if we rapidly change a system's underlying components to ones that are implementationally different but functionally equivalent. This approach has been applied by others with success at a small scale, by means of code randomization, so the essence of our work is to consider what added value accrues from reconfiguration at the systems level. Evaluation of this idea thus involves several key activities.
BugBox is a security vulnerability dataset designed to support the evaluation of techniques for responding to, mitigating, or preventing exploits. Many methods for improving the security of software function in either a static manner – locating or reducing the risk of vulnerabilities at development time – or a dynamic manner – mitigating or preventing exploits at runtime. Evaluating static techniques requires a program's source code or binaries, while evaluating dynamic techniques can only be done in the context of a running system. By coupling an automated exploit mechanism, a reproducible runtime environment, and a corpus of open-source applications with known vulnerabilities, BugBox allows for both varieties of security enhancements to be tested and evaluated. A virtual machine test harness automatically stages vulnerable applications and invokes scripts which exploit these known vulnerabilities. Planned enhancements for BugBox include the addition of static information on vulnerabilities, allowing for static and dynamic techniques to be directly compared. Please contact us for access to the updated images. |
This dataset contains security vulnerability data and computed machine learning features for multiple versions of three PHP web applications: PHPMyAdmin, Moodle, and Drupal. This data was collected for a vulnerability prediction study; however, it can also be used for other empirical security vulnerability research not related to prediction. All vulnerabilities in this dataset were verified and localized to individual files by hand. In cases where multiple releases of an application were studied, the origin of each vulnerability and the path of each vulnerability's migration through the code over time is also recorded.
Numerous methods for assessing the security of software have been proposed, such as measurement of attack surface, statistical prediction, and the analysis of potential attack paths. However, these assessment methods are not always formulated in a way that is actionable (and verifiably effective) for developers or end users. Some models and methods can be trained and evaluated with easy-to-obtain empirical data but can only be acted upon in limited or unfeasible ways. Other security assessment methods appear to be highly actionable but have not undergone an extensive empirical evaluation which would demonstrate their value in practice. Our goal is the ability to generate assessments (or measurements) of software security which can guide developers and end users through feasible mitigations (such as reconfiguration) which would have demonstrably improved security in the context of known security issues which had occurred in the past. Current and planned activities toward this goal include:
Project Lead: Jeff Stuckman |