Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2012 11:40:00 -0400
From: Alan Sussman
To: Jim Purtilo
Subject: Re: talk about IP course?
From what I understand, it's getting pretty late to schedule new winter
courses. We already have several scheduled, including a new security
related one, so I just don't know if there will anywhere near enough
students who will sign up for all the courses. And as you know, the
office that does the winter and summer courses can cancel classes up
until very late if not enough students sign up.
In any case, if you are going forward with this for winter, we'll need a
title and course description, and as you know, the sooner the better. A
short syllabus never hurts either ...
On 10/12/2012 08:43 AM, Jim Purtilo wrote:
> Alan, a short status report on this. My former student in this still
> willing to work with me on a course, and we are kicking around content
> now. The challenge, which delays I hope only briefly at this point, is
> refactoring into a layout for only the winter term. Previously we'd have
> done a self-contained classroom presentation in fall and then, for those
> who moved forward to internships, we would complement the on-site
> activity with content intended to connect dots. Obviously at this point
> the format previously envisioned is not possible, so the trick is to
> pack it all into a single January activity. It makes no sense to dump
> interns into that setting without preparation (it would not be as useful
> for them and frankly I don't think the firm would want them.) There are
> also logistics which get more complicated - how much of which activity
> to do here versus on site, where in this formulation there could be more
> commuting for me over to NOVA, which I don't relish. We likely have
> resources there for three interns, which will cap what we would offer
> now, but it would reasonably be seen as a pilot and let us develop
> material in anticipation of potential future offerings. There is still a
> small matter of hearing back from Samir on my offering of any courses,
> and I presume he will get back with me as he said, but in any case,
> Jonathan and I are preparing text now (at best speed, recognizing he is
> presently engaged on a couple big cases.) I will still get back with
> you. -- Jim
> On 10/5/12 2:08 PM, Jim Purtilo wrote:
>> Alan, let's shoot for sometime next week. This will give me time to
>> find out the status with my former student. He may already have
>> started working with another professor over in engineering on this,
>> but even if still viable then we'd have to figure out an organization
>> that fits naturally in just the winter term, rather than spread out as
>> had been envisioned. I'll let you know. - Jim
>> On 10/5/2012 1:44 PM, Alan Sussman wrote:
>>> Jim,
>>> I have been negligent, and totally forgot about your request about
>>> these courses. Samir reminded me this morning. Are you around today
>>> to talk? If not, we can try for early next week.
>>> Alan