
University of Maryland

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CMPS Rankings / Excellence

1999 U.S. News & World Report Graduate School Rankings

1999 U.S. News & World Report graduate school rankings place the CMPS departments of Computer Science, Physics and Mathematics at the top of east coast public universities.

  • Computer Science 11th
  • Computer Science Specialties:
    Databases 4th
    Software 8th
    Artificial Intelligence 9th
  • Physics 14th
    Non-linear Dynamics/Chaos 1st

    (tied with the University of Texas at Austin)
  • Mathematics 21st

Freshman Applications increase in Quality as well as Quantity

Applications for freshmen entering Maryland this fall are up 12 percent from last year and the quality of students who will begin in the fall will exceed the high quality of last year's class. Maryland now has the state's largest concentration of academically-talented students with more than a third of them enrolled in Honors, College Park Scholars, or Gemstone programs.

From Research Doctorate Programs in the United States, a 1995 report of the National Research Council:

The University of Maryland, College Park is in the top 20 institutions nationwide in Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics and Astronomy.

From Building Cornerstone Programs of Excellence, a new report from the University of Maryland Graduate Program Review Committee:

"The College of Computer, Mathematical and Physical Sciences is the premier college in the university, based on the excellence of its graduate programs, including three programs (Computer Science, Mathematics and Physics) ranked among the top 10 public universities nationwide."


Part of the Supercomputer Institute

The University of Maryland is a partner institution in the National Science Foundation supercomputer initiative. With the University of California - San Diego coordinating this project to build a national technology grid, Maryland is one of 37 leading academic and research institutions participating.

The project teams applications scientists and computer scientists to support dramatic scientific advances in a wide range of disciplines through development and application of new computer software and hardware techniques.


Faculty Awards

Student Awards



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Copyright © 1999 by the College of Computer, Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Room 3400 A.V. Williams Building, University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742-3281 · 301.405.4906 · Fax 301.405.9377 · infocmps@deans.umd.edu

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