ACLU Pizza Ad
(flash graphics)
"I agreed by accident"
Facebook CIA Project
Training film: How not to be seen
Ron Swanson on Google
Network security
Whose side are you on?
Federal backup systems
Opinions on internet privacy
Cartman works for the NSA
The Day Our Privacy Died
International asset protection through privacy
Free speech
Obama Golf
Software Engineering
People skills
So you want to be a software engineer?
IT re-orgs
Understanding technology
Cost estimation
How to uninstall McAfee Antivirus
(Its sequel.)
History of programming languages
Religion as a metaphor for operating systems
Dr. Mel on testing the adequacy of our specs
A classic exercise in communication:
"To serve man"
Product concept development
Where's the mouse???
Your CMSC435 project proposal promised it would be "user friendly"?
Some prefer git; some don't.
Sprint review ...
Sprint review (alternate)
Sh*t bad scrum masters say
Design evolution: a case study
Why testing is expensive
Software engineering versus the universe
Cyber Security
Password protection
Passwords keep our country secure
The horror... the horror...
Leadership Development
Presentation skills necessary for any federal contractor
Etiquette for geeks
How to be an expert consultant
Work ethics and your first internship
Teamwork - it is great to have colleagues
Working at work improves productivity
Inspire leadership, and manage effectively
Interview skills are important too
How interviews look today
Managing millennials
Geeks versus Nerds: know the difference
Computer Science Theory and Mathematics
How theoreticians demonstrate complexity
This one is Quicksort.
How mathematicians used a pump action shotgun to estimate the value of Pi
Everything you need to know about P and NP
Staticians Blues
Know how to package your product.
It isn't easy being a technology explorer.
Pitching to VC?
Know how to pitch for success
All about entrepreneurship culture
History of the world
, covers your gen ed obligations in one easy lesson
Classroom presence makes all the difference.
Learning outcomes - know your objectives on campus.
"I guess I am not as smart as I thought"
Copyright © 2021 James M. Purtilo